family cosmetic dentistry

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction in Worthington, OH

Cellulite Reduction

Accent Prime & Cellulite Reduction

Introducing Accent Prime, the ultimate solution for precise and effective cellulite treatment. This innovative and minimally-invasive procedure is designed to smooth out skin texture in just a single visit to our office. With years of scientific research behind it, Accent Prime has been FDA-approved to address various levels of cellulite complexities, ranging from slight depressions to deeper dimples. Discover the difference that Accent Prime can make in your skin texture and feel confident in your own skin.

Cellulite causes difficulty in having smooth skin throughout your silhouette. To remedy this, Innovative Aesthetics offers nonsurgical cellulite reduction using the Accent Prime RF (radiofrequency) device. Our cellulite reduction option is approved by the FDA to relieve your skin from dimples. This procedure can be utilized to take on a number of various areas of the skin so your treatment program can be as one-of-a-kind as you. Even though most can see results in a single visit in most cases, people need 5 – 8 rounds to enjoy their wanted results. Let's figure out if this solution would be ideal for you. Set up a visit in Worthington, OH for your confidential consultation.

What Are the Benefits of Cellulite Reduction?

A customized cellulite reduction treatment using our cutting-edge technology can produce optimal outcomes with numerous advantages, such as:

  • Firming lumpy, bumpy skin
  • Encouraging the production of new collagen and elastin
  • Enhancing skin health, tone, and texture
  • Attaining a healthier, younger complexion
  • Results are long-lasting
  • Minimal downtime needed

Who Is a Good Candidate for Cellulite Reduction?

Cellulite treatment is a good option for Worthington, OH individuals who are within a good weight range and want to diminish cellulite on the waist, belly, rear end, or thighs. The procedure can help those of practically all ages. Even so, some groups of client can achieve better results than when compared to the rest. These typically include those with:

  • Noticeable cellulite, fat, and surface smoothness issues
  • A need for results that last a long time
  • Realistic expectations for their outcome
  • Generally healthy along with a strong immune system

Cellulite Reduction FAQ

How much does cellulite reduction cost?
The cost of nonsurgical cellulite reduction treatment will differ, depending on your unique aims. Once we decide how many treatments we will do and the number of areas you are having addressed, then we can give you an approximate of your expenses.

Are cellulite treatments painful?
The majority of our clients at Innovative Aesthetics think that the procedure feels warm and easy. However, if you have anxiety about discomfort, talk to a professional on our staff.

How many sessions do I need to see improvement in my cellulite?
Keep in mind that cellulite reduction treatment is a nonpermanent fix for the appearance of your cellulite. To get the best results, we frequently suggest that people get several procedures. As you age, you will have to have continual services to maintain reductions in your cellulite.